
Showing posts from August, 2019

What is Brexit and Impact of Brexit on Business Economy

The Brexit News is catching heat as the decision day is ending Brexit, or the “British Exit,” is a June 23, 2016 ballot where the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.   From approximately 2.3 million votes, the mob who voted in favor of the exit won. Following the polling, on March 29, 2017, former President of the United Kingdom presented the withdrawal of Article 50 that bonded  the U.K with the European Union.  The proposition by the President gave the UK and the E.U time to negotiate an agreement until March 2019. However, recently, the assigned date has been postponed to October 31, 2019. WHAT EXACTLY IS BREXIT? As mentioned above, Brexit is an abbreviation for “British Exit”. Both the “left-wing” and “right-wing” Eurosceptics have stood with the proposition of the withdrawal of the bill that kept the United Kingdom within the European Nations.  All these years, the population of the United Kingdom has been benefiti...

What Are the Best Strategies for Building a Thought Leadership Platform

Every business, be it a small start-up or an established company, needs a basic platform to set certain trends and cultures for effective execution of the planned schemes. A Thought Leadership Platform plays an essential role for every team because it will act as a propellant for others in the company. But how can we make it effective? If you are looking for an answer to this question, then search your mind and analyse what you wish to gain from the leadership platform.  What are the basic guidelines around which the design of the thought platform should centre?  What are the core values that you want to be followed by generations to come? Do you want the bottom line to transform with time, or it should be a fixed idea? A platform like this must be designed only when a company leader gets satisfying answers to the above questions. A leadership platform gives an insight into the personality of the creator of the platform and highlights the p...